Many other seeds available too. FREE SEEDS available on funky wood hutch (first come first serve. Please only take 1 & leave some for others). Also for sale: local honey, my own organic tea blends (ginger/lemongrass or mint), fresh lemons & herbs, organic heirloom SEEDLINGS, books, art... today at 4515 Student Ln., San Jose 95130 (by Westgate Mall)
But back to the tomatoes....
'Abu Rawan' -- Endangered Iraqi variety that is sweeter than most Iraqi tomatoes (they tend to prefer tart tomatoes). Red. I have two packs of 5+ seeds each for $1 a pack. 2012 seed from Baker Creek.
'Al-Kuffa' -- Produces 3-4oz red fruit on compact, dwarf vines that yielded til frost. Rescued from Iraq. Mild flavor. 1 unopened pack from Baker Creek. 2012 seed. 25 seeds for $2.50. (I grew this last year & it was the earliest to bear fruit & had the highest yields)
'Bali' -- Description from packet: Flat, ribbed, 2-3", delicious, sweet, spicy, fruit are fantastic raspberry-pink. Pronounced fragrance that makes them a delight to eat. Large plants produce loads of fruit. Good for home or market. 'New' heirloom from the island of Bali, Indonesia (though all tomatoes originated in Mexico/Central America). 2012 seed from Baker Creek. I have five packets of 5+ seeds each for .50 cents a pack.
'Beauty Queen' -- Description from packet: A good producer of very striped red and yellow fruit that have clearly defined markings much like Green Zebra. Small to medium size fruit have excellent flavor. large yellow beefsteak has deep red stripes that bleed into the meaty, juicy tomato-flesh, making her just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. But she's not just a looker. The flavor of Beauty Queen is amazing and, with fruits that are consistently a pound or more, there's lots to enjoy. Developed by Brad Gates at Wild Boar Farms. Very popular at farmer's markets. 2012 seed from Baker Creek. I have four packets of 5+ seeds each for .50 cents a packet.
(couldn't find a photo of the tomato, so...)
'Black Elephant' -- I call this one 'The Thing'. Big, lumpy, bumpy dark red tomato will split & look generally ugly, but has FANTASTIC flavor. Never judge a tomato by it's prettiness! You won't see this one at the store. Its delicate skin is what keeps this taste treat out of commercial production, since it is too fragile to withstand picking/packing/shipping. 2011 seed from Baker Creek. I have only one packet left of 7+ seeds for .25 cents. Dark red/purple.
'Bread and Salt' -- Named for the long held tradition in Russia to give special guests a loaf of bread and salt as they arrive. In Russian culture bread is associated with hospitality and salt has an association with long friendship. Forget the bread and just give your guests this tomato! Big, sweet fruit are round to slightly wedge/oxheart shaped. Pink in color. 2012 seed from Baker Creek. I have 3 packets of 5+ seeds each for $1 a packet.
'Carbon' -- This variety has won taste test awards from coast to coast. Fruit are smooth, large, and beautiful, being one of the darkest and prettiest of the purple types. Big, regular-leaf tomato plants yielding prolific amounts of 10-14 oz., beautiful purple-brown, open-pollinated tomatoes. Color of tomatoes are most often darker than the photo here indicates, making this among of the darkest of the black tomatoes with delicious, rich, complex flavors. This tomato variety won taste test of 10 heirloom tomato varieties at Cornell Research Farm. Because of it's productivity and flavor, Carbon is becoming popular to grow for commercial produce markets that are seeking more black tomatoes in their tomato mix. 2012 seed from Baker Creek. I have 3 packs of 5+ seeds for .50 cents each
'Hillbilly Potato Leaf' -- Yellow/Orange/Red fruit are sweet and BIG. Large vines produce gorgeous 1lb fruits that have a tendency to crack, but cut them open and see the colors of a sunset! 2009 seed from Seed Savers Exchange. Only 1 packet of 5+ seeds left for .25 cents.
'Isis Candy- Cherry tomato with translucent pink/yellow stripes. Very pretty & very tasty! 60 days. These precious little 1½" morsels of red and gold garden candy have a dazzling starburst pattern on the blossom end when ripe. Sweet and fruity, Isis Candy has become a top 10 winner at tomato tastings, rivaling Sun Gold's flavor as a best-of-show cherry. Crack-resistant, a spectacular top seller. 2012 Seed from Baker Creek. I have 3 packets of 5+ seeds each for $1 a packet.
'White Queen' -- Imagine making the kids WHITE spaghetti sauce! Plant produces good yields of 12 oz white beefsteak tomatoes. This is the whitest of the white tomatoes. Very crack resistant. Excellent for sandwiches, salads, sauces, and gourmet dishes. A heirloom variety from the USA. Indeterminate. 2012 seed from Baker Creek. I have 3 packets of 5+ seeds for $1 each
What did America do to Iraq's agriculture?
IRAQ: America's Order 81 Is Even Worse Than Originally Reported
What a break for U.S. corporations, such as Monsanto. The important information about Iraqi Order 81 is that it was designed to have a major impact on the way farming is done in Iraq. This order prohibits Iraqi farmers from using saving seeds from one year to the next.
by Rosemarie Jackowski, Media Monitors Network
August 12th, 2005
On August 8, 2005 Reuters reported that the Iraqi seed supply is at risk. Below is an excerpt from the Reuters report.
"... The war in Iraq destroyed the country's seed industry, putting the country's domestic food supply at risk, the United Nations food agency said on Monday as it appealed for aid to rebuild farming.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation said it needed $5.4 million to help the agriculture ministry rebuild a seed industry destroyed by the fighting and looting.
"Iraq had a relatively stable and functioning public-sector-controlled seed industry before the war in 2003. After the war, research and seed production facilities have greatly deteriorated," FAO said in a statement.
Iraq can now cover only 4 percent of its demand for quality seeds from its own resources....
If no immediate action is taken, serious seed shortages can be expected in the near future, threatening the country's food security...."
How convenient...perfect timing. What a break for U.S. corporations, such as Monsanto. First outlaw the seeds and then destroy them, or did it happen the other way around. Were the seeds destroyed first and then outlawed? This news story has thus far received very little attention.
The news story about the Iraqi Orders has been virtually ignored by the U.S. press. Order 81 is just one of 100 Orders that have been imposed on the people of Iraq by the U.S. government. These orders are sometimes referred to as the Bremmer Orders. No one in the U.S. or Iraq was ever allowed to cast a vote in the ballot box for any of these Orders. This says a lot about the kind of democracy that the U.S. is imposing on the people of Iraq.
The important information about Iraqi Order 81 is that it was designed to have a major impact on the way farming is done in Iraq. This order prohibits Iraqi farmers from using the methods of agriculture that they have used for centuries. The practice of saving seeds from one year to the next is now illegal in Iraq. Order 81 wages war on Iraqi farmers. They have lost the freedom to choose their own methods of agriculture. The legalese in which the orders are written creates confusion about their exact meaning, but the desired result is obvious. Order 81 prohibits the farmers from using their own seeds, on their own farms, to grow their own crops.
Prior to the U.S. invasion, agriculture in Iraq was flourishing. The Fertile Crescent had developed a system of farming that was the envy of the world. Now, under Occupation, centuries of progress have been destroyed, almost overnight.
The food chain has been under worldwide assault by U.S. corporations for some time now. The Master Race of corporations has seized control of the very essence of life itself. We are now in the age of Genetically Modified Doomsday Seeds. The USDA was complicit in the development of these bastard seeds.
This is not a new phenomenon. It has been a gradual takeover. Remember Percy Schmeiser, the Canadian farmer, who was sued by Monsanto? Not enough people stood up for Percey, so then they came for other farmers. In fact, Monsanto has sued so many farmers that a national hotline (1-888-FARMHLP) has now been set up to assist them.
Is it possible that Iraqi farmers think back fondly to the good old days before the Occupation and before Order 81? Even Saddam Hussein allowed them to save seeds for the next year's crop. Is the Pentagon a worse master than Saddam?
Farmers and consumers around the world need to stand in solidarity with the farmers and consumers in Iraq. There is no one who contributes more to society than the farmer. At the top of that hierarchy is the organic farmer. Doctors, lawyers, plumbers, and factory workers make important contributions to society, but none would survive without the farmer.
Why did the U.S. destroy the seeds? Did the Pentagon mistake the seeds for bombs and WMD's? Think of that as a headline for tomorrow's paper, "CIA confuses pomegranate seeds with WMD's." This sounds like a comedy "headline" from the Leno show. If the survival of thousands of people was not an issue, we could all laugh at the absurdity of this saga. The propagandists will try to convince the world that the destruction of the Iraqi seeds was just a mistake, an accident of war...collateral damage. Iraqi Order 81 proves otherwise. Iraqi Order 81 is proof that the U.S. had a strategic plan which would insure that U.S. corporations would not have to compete with the Iraqi farmers. U.S. corporations don't like competition. The idea of free markets is just a myth. The Predatory Capitalism of the U.S. could not survive without the threat of the military behind it.
Can it be denied that U.S. corporations are seeking total control of the food supply of the planet? After all of the seeds that are owned by farmers are destroyed, it will be necessary for the farmers to purchase them. Those most likely to profiteer are U.S. seed companies. General Smedley Butler was right. War is still a racket.
Imagine what would happen if there was a successful worldwide movement of resistance, an international Save the Seed Campaign. A source in Australia reports that a seed bank has been set up there. Every other nation must heed this warning and set up secure seed banks. It is not known what the U.S. government will do to eliminate this competition to U.S. seed corporations. Will the countries that institute seed banks be on a Pentagon hit list? Another possibility will be a covert CIA operation.
The U.S. policy of using food as a weapon of war shows a depraved, mind numbing level of cruelty. This has been referred to as the Ultimate War Crime. It is one of the most serious Crimes Against Humanity of our generation.
There is a hidden tragedy in this seed destruction policy of the U.S. The U.S. has not only endangered the entire population of Iraq but it has also shot each of its own citizens in the foot. Maybe it has rendered a fatal shot to our children and future generations. No one will ever know if any of the seeds, that have been destroyed during our war and occupation, would have produced plants that could have been used to prevent or cure disease. The seeds that have been lost can never be replaced.
Someday, in the distant future, maybe we will become more civilized. Then we will have monuments to honor farmers. We will have parades in celebration of farm workers. The era of glorification of war will just be a fading memory.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Whistle Blower's Conference
I left after 2 hrs. The audio was terrible & then they tried a satellite uplink to a woman in Iceland who spoke very broken English. Couldn't understand a word anyone was saying. I did meet Rev. Billy (Church of Stop Shopping), Cindy Sheehan, Col Ann Wright, Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers), Dr. Frank Lucido (medical marijuana Dr. I've known for years), Scarlot Harlot (sex worker activist & unapologetic hooker), Annie Sprinkle (another sex worker activist & porn 'educator'), and got to wander around International House & look at the great photos. My dad was living there as NROTC when he met my mom during World War II.
When I got home, I was so tired I forgot to lock the car & it got rifled through. They stole my makeup bag with all my Rx, including the pain meds (non-narcotic) that make it possible for me to work. I've been in a lot of pain, but HAVE to get the plants in the ground, so I've been downing reg aspirin & ibuprofen.
Yesterday, I planted 'Romanesco' broccoli (the kind that forms a lime green spiral/fractal head that's similar to cauliflower), alpine strawberry, lettuces, blueberry cuttings (gift from one of the Vlads that gardens across the street), black hollyhock, tithonia (aka Mexican Sunflower), bachelor buttons, poppies, & other showy flowers by the street to lure customers in.
Despite my pain, I stopped doing the honor system, since people SUCK & steal from me. In between planting broccoli I sold quite a few plants & jars of honey yesterday. Made a whopping $15! To me that's a lot. That's enough to fix a nice dinner for mom. More importantly, people are asking questions about pollinators, bees, sustainable agricuture, etc... and to me, that's the WHOLE POINT of doing this. Teaching my neighborhood about the crop diversity & pollinator crisis, etc... And even though I'm in a lot of pain, it makes it all worth it.
They also get to meet an "OUT" Occupy Wall Street protester & ask questions about what we're doing. I think it's important that people know why we do what we do & can talk one on one with a protester in a non-protest atmosphere. I also like the idea that people see not all OWS activists are young kids with no life experience. And not all of us are anti-police & military. I am careful to speak for myself & not for OWS as a whole, but I do try to point people to the OWS general philosophy of ending corporate rule over our food, health, etc...
When I got home, I was so tired I forgot to lock the car & it got rifled through. They stole my makeup bag with all my Rx, including the pain meds (non-narcotic) that make it possible for me to work. I've been in a lot of pain, but HAVE to get the plants in the ground, so I've been downing reg aspirin & ibuprofen.
Yesterday, I planted 'Romanesco' broccoli (the kind that forms a lime green spiral/fractal head that's similar to cauliflower), alpine strawberry, lettuces, blueberry cuttings (gift from one of the Vlads that gardens across the street), black hollyhock, tithonia (aka Mexican Sunflower), bachelor buttons, poppies, & other showy flowers by the street to lure customers in.
Despite my pain, I stopped doing the honor system, since people SUCK & steal from me. In between planting broccoli I sold quite a few plants & jars of honey yesterday. Made a whopping $15! To me that's a lot. That's enough to fix a nice dinner for mom. More importantly, people are asking questions about pollinators, bees, sustainable agricuture, etc... and to me, that's the WHOLE POINT of doing this. Teaching my neighborhood about the crop diversity & pollinator crisis, etc... And even though I'm in a lot of pain, it makes it all worth it.
They also get to meet an "OUT" Occupy Wall Street protester & ask questions about what we're doing. I think it's important that people know why we do what we do & can talk one on one with a protester in a non-protest atmosphere. I also like the idea that people see not all OWS activists are young kids with no life experience. And not all of us are anti-police & military. I am careful to speak for myself & not for OWS as a whole, but I do try to point people to the OWS general philosophy of ending corporate rule over our food, health, etc...
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Selling Organic Toothache Plant Seedlings, Heirloom Seeds, Honey, My Tea Blends...
Spilanthes acmella syn. S. oleracea F. Asteracea
Description: Tender annual to 40cm, with soft branching stems; ovate leaves 6cm long, with soft, wavy margins; singular, brightyellow flowers 1cm diameter, form as tight cones, on short terminal stems. Although the plant is a member of the daisy family, it does not have the typical daisy-like petals that we recognise chamomile, calendula or sunflower by.
Spilanthol, a chemical with effective local anaesthetic action has been identified in the plant. This action works surprisingly fast. If you have a toothache and rub a leaf on the gum area of the toothache, the area tingles and then goes numb within a few seconds. Or the leaf, after chewing to release the juice, is tucked in the mouth between the gums and cheek for toothache. It is also used for sore gums, teething babies, and mouth ulcers. The numbness lasts for a short period of time, and acts to desensitise the area and diminish the pain. Rub on as often as needed to relieve pain or discomfort. Over the last few years I have had many people in pain come to the farm, to experience this quick relief method for toothache. This does not mean, a person can put off going to the dentist, but it does give temporary relief until you get enough courage to see a dentist. A lady from New South Wales rang with severe mouth ulcers, asking if there is a herb that could help. I suggested this plant and posted her some. She wrote to tell me "it's great, effective and swift". As the leaf has antiseptic action too, it helps to clear bacteria and infections. The leaves can be rubbed on cuts, hard to heal sores and acne. Also, this plant has a natural antibiotic action, which adds to the healing effect. Try the leaves on cold sores and school sores.
For people who suffer with thrush, candida, frequent viruses, fungal and auto-immune diseases, eating the leaves in salads or sandwiches, can be of real benefit. The flavour is tangy. Mixed in with other greens and vegetables it is hardly detectable. Many health practitioners recognise Candida albicans as wide spread and harbouring in many people, particularly in hot climates. It may grow in the body where sugar is consumed, and bread made from fast rise yeast, some processed and chemical 'enhanced' foods, birth control pills and pharmaceutical drugs. Some researchers are now saying it is not a question of whether we have candida, but how much it has invaded our bodies and how seriously it has afflicted us. Some people have no obvious symptoms, others suffer what seems to be the entire range of human problems, either directly from candida and its by-products wastes and toxins; or from other diseases, which can gain, a foothold after candida has weakened the immune system.
Known symptoms of candida are: tiredness, chronic fatigue, aches all over the body, headaches, bouts of diarrhea or constipation; gastrointestinal discomfort; disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing, concentration and memory; kidney infections; sensitivity to chemicals; smells and foods; loss of libido, impotence, sinus, hayfever, insomnia, depression, respiratory conditions, lupus, fungal infections between fingers, toes, in mouth, under breasts, in groin, vagina, scrotum and penis. The candida culprit proliferates super fast in warm to tropical climates, because like yeast, it multiplies quickly. Wet, hot humid weather, and the associated problems of living in an atmosphere of mould on buildings, etc., in tropical climates, fuel candida further in the body. We can assist the body in lowering the candida effects by watching foods and other substances we ingest, and assisting the body with natural antibiotics, like the toothache plant. Regularly using plants that are rich in chlorophyll or natural antibiotics would be beneficial, like aloe vera, nasturtiums, comfrey, ginger, garlic, tea tree, rejuvelac from wheat grass, and plants rich in germanium like herb robert and watercress. Add a few leaves to salads, sandwiches, steamed vegies, and stirfries; as it might just put the candida fungus to sleep, so you can take control of your life, and be free of some unpleasant symptoms. It is of interest too, that the spilanthol in the toothache plant activates the salivary glands, and assists digestion. Sometimes when asked to speak on herbs and their uses to various community groups, I ask if someone in the audience would like to chew a toothache plant leaf and tell what they feel. When the leaf is held on the tongue or chewed it numbs that area of the tongue. When the volunteers taste the herb they are amazed at the effect. I tell them it is a good herb to give to someone who talks too much as it can send their tongue to sleep, and this brings lots of laughter from the audience. Jokes aside, the toothache plant rubbed on the right spot, can bring rapid relief.
toothache plant $2 ea
lemongrass $3 for seedlings / $40 for big bush in container
Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli $2
Di Cicco broccoli $2
Romanesco Broccoli $2
Catnip $2 (get 'em before my cats destroy them all!)
Baby Tears/Corsican Mint $2 (good for terrariums)
Elfen Thyme $2 (good for terrariums/bonsai)
Genovese Basil (green, big leaf) $2
Purple/Green basils mixed in bigger pots $3 ea
Pink Banana $5
Red Russian Kale $2
Chain of hearts $2 (makes awesome hanging baskets & wall sconces!) $2
Irish Moss $2 (good for terrariums & in bloom right now - PRETTY!!)
'Neon Glow' chard $3 (6/pack)
'Santo' cilantro $3
Sword Fern $2 (volunteer from under sequoia - very hardy to cold & drought)
White Rabbit Paw Fern $3 (good for bigger terrariums)
Patchouli in pot $20 (make your own scents without the chemicals!)
Purple Queen Cauliflower $2
Isotoma $2
Cardamom $40
Succulents $3 big / $1 small
Sensitive plant (great for kids! Touch leaves & they close up. Don't 'overstimulate' or it will die. Water from below leaves) $4/6 pack
Variegated Thyme (pretty little leaves are striped)
Hyssop $2 (A 'holy' herb, used for cleaning sacred places. Was used to 'purify' the air in hospitals. Bee friendly!!)
Arugula $2
Sequoia $1 (volunteer from backyard)
LOCAL ORGANIC HONEY! From hives near the Rose Garden in Willow Glen 1.5oz for $2 ea. Not super filtered, so it's cloudy.
CUSTOM ORGANIC TEA BLENDS! Made 'em myself. Lemongrass/Ginger or Mint $4 for muslin bag of 10
HEIRLOOM SEEDS (most are organic. None are GMO):
- 'Rich Sweetness 132' melon / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 1 pack available
- 'Boule D'or' Turnip / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 11 packs available
- 'Early Flat White' Turnip / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 21 packs available
- 'Santo' Cilantro / organic / 2010 seed / 10 seeds per pack / 5 packs available
- Garlic Chives / organic / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 8 packs available (2 with free wood plant markers!)
- 'Libra' Radicchio / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 17 packs available
- Yellow Onion (volunteer) / organic / 2011 seed / 20 seeds / 1 pack available
- 'Atomic Red' Carrot / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 19 packs available
- 'White Belgian' carrot / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 10 packs available
- 'Mailbox Mix' Morning Glory (blue/white) / 2010 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 13 packs available
- 'Scarlet O'Hara' Morning Glory (red) / 2011 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 2 packs
- 'Tall Purpurea Mix' Morning Glory (purple/pink)/ 2011 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 1 pack available
- 'Tete Noir' Cabbage / 2011 seed / 10 seeds per pack / 2 packs available
- Catnip / 2010 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 9 packs available
- Milk Thistle / 2012 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 10 packs available
- Toothache Plant / 2012 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 7 packs available
- Wisteria / 2009 seed from our tree / 5 seeds per pack / 4 packs available
- seed catalogs galore
- milk thistle seedlings (class A noxious weed - grow in containers & cut off flowers before they go to seed) Used for centuries for liver ailments. Great hangover tea!
- scotch moss
- tiny broccoli
- literature about sustainable agriculture, heritage breed livestock/poultry, pollinator crisis
- beekeeping catalogs
RECYCLE YOUR PLASTIC POTS, PACKS, ETC... I always appreciate donations of pots, etc...
DON'T FORGET TO GROW FOR POLLINATORS TOO: Let a broccoli go to seed. Create a beneficial insect habitat. Pollinator & crop diversity loss is a MAJOR blow to human health as a whole. Nix the chemicals & nourish the creatures that nourish YOU.
Betty Beekeeper
twitter: @SeedBomz4Change
Spilanthes acmella syn. S. oleracea F. Asteracea
Description: Tender annual to 40cm, with soft branching stems; ovate leaves 6cm long, with soft, wavy margins; singular, brightyellow flowers 1cm diameter, form as tight cones, on short terminal stems. Although the plant is a member of the daisy family, it does not have the typical daisy-like petals that we recognise chamomile, calendula or sunflower by.
Spilanthol, a chemical with effective local anaesthetic action has been identified in the plant. This action works surprisingly fast. If you have a toothache and rub a leaf on the gum area of the toothache, the area tingles and then goes numb within a few seconds. Or the leaf, after chewing to release the juice, is tucked in the mouth between the gums and cheek for toothache. It is also used for sore gums, teething babies, and mouth ulcers. The numbness lasts for a short period of time, and acts to desensitise the area and diminish the pain. Rub on as often as needed to relieve pain or discomfort. Over the last few years I have had many people in pain come to the farm, to experience this quick relief method for toothache. This does not mean, a person can put off going to the dentist, but it does give temporary relief until you get enough courage to see a dentist. A lady from New South Wales rang with severe mouth ulcers, asking if there is a herb that could help. I suggested this plant and posted her some. She wrote to tell me "it's great, effective and swift". As the leaf has antiseptic action too, it helps to clear bacteria and infections. The leaves can be rubbed on cuts, hard to heal sores and acne. Also, this plant has a natural antibiotic action, which adds to the healing effect. Try the leaves on cold sores and school sores.
For people who suffer with thrush, candida, frequent viruses, fungal and auto-immune diseases, eating the leaves in salads or sandwiches, can be of real benefit. The flavour is tangy. Mixed in with other greens and vegetables it is hardly detectable. Many health practitioners recognise Candida albicans as wide spread and harbouring in many people, particularly in hot climates. It may grow in the body where sugar is consumed, and bread made from fast rise yeast, some processed and chemical 'enhanced' foods, birth control pills and pharmaceutical drugs. Some researchers are now saying it is not a question of whether we have candida, but how much it has invaded our bodies and how seriously it has afflicted us. Some people have no obvious symptoms, others suffer what seems to be the entire range of human problems, either directly from candida and its by-products wastes and toxins; or from other diseases, which can gain, a foothold after candida has weakened the immune system.
Known symptoms of candida are: tiredness, chronic fatigue, aches all over the body, headaches, bouts of diarrhea or constipation; gastrointestinal discomfort; disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing, concentration and memory; kidney infections; sensitivity to chemicals; smells and foods; loss of libido, impotence, sinus, hayfever, insomnia, depression, respiratory conditions, lupus, fungal infections between fingers, toes, in mouth, under breasts, in groin, vagina, scrotum and penis. The candida culprit proliferates super fast in warm to tropical climates, because like yeast, it multiplies quickly. Wet, hot humid weather, and the associated problems of living in an atmosphere of mould on buildings, etc., in tropical climates, fuel candida further in the body. We can assist the body in lowering the candida effects by watching foods and other substances we ingest, and assisting the body with natural antibiotics, like the toothache plant. Regularly using plants that are rich in chlorophyll or natural antibiotics would be beneficial, like aloe vera, nasturtiums, comfrey, ginger, garlic, tea tree, rejuvelac from wheat grass, and plants rich in germanium like herb robert and watercress. Add a few leaves to salads, sandwiches, steamed vegies, and stirfries; as it might just put the candida fungus to sleep, so you can take control of your life, and be free of some unpleasant symptoms. It is of interest too, that the spilanthol in the toothache plant activates the salivary glands, and assists digestion. Sometimes when asked to speak on herbs and their uses to various community groups, I ask if someone in the audience would like to chew a toothache plant leaf and tell what they feel. When the leaf is held on the tongue or chewed it numbs that area of the tongue. When the volunteers taste the herb they are amazed at the effect. I tell them it is a good herb to give to someone who talks too much as it can send their tongue to sleep, and this brings lots of laughter from the audience. Jokes aside, the toothache plant rubbed on the right spot, can bring rapid relief.
toothache plant $2 ea
lemongrass $3 for seedlings / $40 for big bush in container
Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli $2
Di Cicco broccoli $2
Romanesco Broccoli $2
Catnip $2 (get 'em before my cats destroy them all!)
Baby Tears/Corsican Mint $2 (good for terrariums)
Elfen Thyme $2 (good for terrariums/bonsai)
Genovese Basil (green, big leaf) $2
Purple/Green basils mixed in bigger pots $3 ea
Pink Banana $5
Red Russian Kale $2
Chain of hearts $2 (makes awesome hanging baskets & wall sconces!) $2
Irish Moss $2 (good for terrariums & in bloom right now - PRETTY!!)
'Neon Glow' chard $3 (6/pack)
'Santo' cilantro $3
Sword Fern $2 (volunteer from under sequoia - very hardy to cold & drought)
White Rabbit Paw Fern $3 (good for bigger terrariums)
Patchouli in pot $20 (make your own scents without the chemicals!)
Purple Queen Cauliflower $2
Isotoma $2
Cardamom $40
Succulents $3 big / $1 small
Sensitive plant (great for kids! Touch leaves & they close up. Don't 'overstimulate' or it will die. Water from below leaves) $4/6 pack
Variegated Thyme (pretty little leaves are striped)
Hyssop $2 (A 'holy' herb, used for cleaning sacred places. Was used to 'purify' the air in hospitals. Bee friendly!!)
Arugula $2
Sequoia $1 (volunteer from backyard)
LOCAL ORGANIC HONEY! From hives near the Rose Garden in Willow Glen 1.5oz for $2 ea. Not super filtered, so it's cloudy.
CUSTOM ORGANIC TEA BLENDS! Made 'em myself. Lemongrass/Ginger or Mint $4 for muslin bag of 10
HEIRLOOM SEEDS (most are organic. None are GMO):
- 'Rich Sweetness 132' melon / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 1 pack available
- 'Boule D'or' Turnip / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 11 packs available
- 'Early Flat White' Turnip / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 21 packs available
- 'Santo' Cilantro / organic / 2010 seed / 10 seeds per pack / 5 packs available
- Garlic Chives / organic / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 8 packs available (2 with free wood plant markers!)
- 'Libra' Radicchio / 2011 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 17 packs available
- Yellow Onion (volunteer) / organic / 2011 seed / 20 seeds / 1 pack available
- 'Atomic Red' Carrot / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 19 packs available
- 'White Belgian' carrot / 2012 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 10 packs available
- 'Mailbox Mix' Morning Glory (blue/white) / 2010 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 13 packs available
- 'Scarlet O'Hara' Morning Glory (red) / 2011 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 2 packs
- 'Tall Purpurea Mix' Morning Glory (purple/pink)/ 2011 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 1 pack available
- 'Tete Noir' Cabbage / 2011 seed / 10 seeds per pack / 2 packs available
- Catnip / 2010 seed / 10+ seeds per pack / 9 packs available
- Milk Thistle / 2012 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 10 packs available
- Toothache Plant / 2012 seed / 5+ seeds per pack / 7 packs available
- Wisteria / 2009 seed from our tree / 5 seeds per pack / 4 packs available
- seed catalogs galore
- milk thistle seedlings (class A noxious weed - grow in containers & cut off flowers before they go to seed) Used for centuries for liver ailments. Great hangover tea!
- scotch moss
- tiny broccoli
- literature about sustainable agriculture, heritage breed livestock/poultry, pollinator crisis
- beekeeping catalogs
RECYCLE YOUR PLASTIC POTS, PACKS, ETC... I always appreciate donations of pots, etc...
DON'T FORGET TO GROW FOR POLLINATORS TOO: Let a broccoli go to seed. Create a beneficial insect habitat. Pollinator & crop diversity loss is a MAJOR blow to human health as a whole. Nix the chemicals & nourish the creatures that nourish YOU.
Betty Beekeeper
twitter: @SeedBomz4Change
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
La Vía Campesina Call to action Reclaiming our future: Rio +20 and Beyond
On 20-22 June 2012, governments from around the world will gather in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to commemorate 20 years of the "Earth Summit", the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that first established a global agenda for "sustainable development". During the 1992 summit, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Convention to Combat Desertification, were all adopted. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was also established to ensure effective follow-up of the UNCED “Earth Summit.”
Twenty years later, governments should have reconvened to review their commitments and progress, but in reality the issue to debate will be the "green economy" led development, propagating the same capitalist model that caused climate chaos and other deep social and environmental crises.
La Vía Campesina will mobilize for this historical moment, representing the voice of the millions of peasants and indigenous globally who are defending the well-being of all by implementing food sovereignty and the protection of natural resources.
20 Years later: a planet in crisis
20 years after the Earth Summit, life has become more difficult for the majority of the planet's inhabitants. The number of hungry people has increased to almost one billion, which means that one out of six human beings is going hungry, women and small farmers being the most affected.
Meanwhile, the environment is depleting fast, biodiversity is being destroyed, water resources are getting scarce and contaminated and the climate is in crisis. This is jeopardizing our very future on Earth while poverty and inequalities are increasing.
The idea of "Sustainable Development" put forward in 1992, which merged "development" and "environment" concerns, did not solve the problem because it did not stop the capitalist system in its race towards profit at the expense of all human and natural resources:
- The food system is increasingly in the grips of large corporations seeking profit, not aimed at feeding the people.
- The Convention on Biodiversiy has created benefit sharing mechanisms but at the end of the day, they legitimize the capitalization of genetic resources by the private sector.
- The UN Convention on Climate Change, instead of forcing countries and corporations to reduce pollution, invented a new profitable and speculative commodity with the carbon trading mechanisms, allowing the polluter to continue polluting and profit from it.
The framework of “sustainable development” continues to see peasant agriculture as backwards and responsible for the deterioration of natural resources and the environment. The same paradigm of development is perpetuated, which is nothing less than the development of capitalism by means of a “green industrialization.”
The “Green Economy” – Final Enclosure?
Today the "greening of the economy" pushed forward in the run-up to Rio+20 is based on the same logic and mechanisms that are destroying the planet and keeping people hungry. For instance, it seeks to incorporate aspects of the failed “green revolution” in a broader manner in order to ensure the needs of the industrial sectors of production, such as promoting the uniformity of seeds, patented seeds by corporation, genetically modified seeds, etc.
The capitalist economy, based on the over-exploitation of natural resources and human beings, will never become “green.” It is based on limitless growth in a planet that has reached its limits and on the commoditization of the remaining natural resources that have until now remained un-priced or in control of the public sector.
In this period of financial crisis, global capitalism seeks new forms of accumulation. It is during these periods of crisis in which capitalism can most accumulate. Today, it is the territories and the commons which are the main target of capital. As such, the green economy is nothing more than a green mask for capitalism. It is also a new mechanism to appropriate our forests, rivers, land… of our territories!
Since last year’s preparatory meetings towards Rio+20, agriculture has been cited as one of the causes of climate change. Yet no distinction is made in the official negotiations between industrial and peasant agriculture, and no explicit difference between their effects on poverty, climate and other social issues we face.
The "green economy" is marketed as a way to implement sustainable development for those countries which continue to experience high and disproportionate levels of poverty, hunger and misery. In reality, what is proposed is another phase of what we identify as “green structural adjustment programs” which seek to align and re-order the national markets and regulations to submit to the fast incoming "green capitalism".
Investment capital now seeks new markets through the “green economy”; securing the natural resources of the world as primary inputs and commodities for industrial production, as carbon sinks or even for speculation. This is being demonstrated by increasing land grabs globally, for crop production for both export and agrofuels. New proposals such as “climate smart” agriculture, which calls for the “sustainable intensification” of agriculture, also embody the goal of corporations and agri-business to over exploit the earth while labeling it “green”, and making peasants dependent on high-cost seeds and inputs. New generations of polluting permits are issued for the industrial sector, especially those found in developed countries, such as what is expected from programs such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD++) and other environmental services schemes.
The green economy seeks to ensure that the ecological and biological systems of our planet remain at the service of capitalism, by the intense use of various forms of biotechnologies, synthetic technologies and geo-engineering. GMO’s and biotechnology are key parts of the industrial agriculture promoted within the framework of "green economy".
The promotion of the green economy includes calls for the full implementation of the WTO Doha Round, the elimination of all trade barriers to incoming “green solutions,” the financing and support of financial institutions such as the World Bank and projects such as US-AID programs, and the continued legitimization of the international institutions that serve to perpetuate and promote global capitalism.
Why peasant farmers mobilize
Small-scale farmers, family farmers, landless people, indigenous people, migrants - women and men - are now determined to mobilize to oppose any commodification of life and to propose another way to organize our relationship with nature on earth based on agrarian reform, food sovereignty and peasant based agroecology.
We reject the "Green Economy" as it is pushed now in the Rio+20 process. It is a new mask to hide an ever-present, growing greed of corporations and food imperialism in the world.
- We oppose carbon trading and all market solutions to the environmental crisis including the proposed liberalization of environmental services under the WTO.
- We reject REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) which allows rich countries to avoid cutting their carbon emissions by financing often damaging projects in developing countries.
- We expose and reject the corporate capture of the rio+20 process and all multilateral processes within the United Nations.
- We oppose land grabs, water grabs, seeds grabs, forest grabs - all resources' grabs!
- We defend the natural resources in our countries as a matter of national and popular sovereignty, to face the offensive and private appropriation of capital;
- We demand public policies from governments for the protection of the interests of the majority of the population, especially the poorest, and landless workers;
- We demand a complete ban on geoengineering projects and experiments; under the guise of ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology to the benefit of agribusiness. This includes new technologies being proposed for adaptation and mitigation to climate change under the banners of “geo-engineering” and “climate smart agriculture”, including false solutions like transgenic plants supposed to adapt to climate change, and "biochar" purported to replenish the soil with carbon.
- We resolve to protect our native seeds and our right to exchange seeds.
- We demand genuine agrarian reform that distributes and redistributes the land - the main factor in production - especially taking into account women and youth. Land must be a means of production to secure the livelihood of the people and must not be a commodity subject to speculation on international markets. We reject "market assisted land reform", which is another word for land privatization.
- We struggle for small scale sustainable food production for community and local consumption as opposed to agribusiness, monoculture plantations for export.
- We continue to organize and practice agroecology based production, ensuring food sovereignty for all and implementing collective management of our resources
Call to action
We call for a major world mobilization to be held between 18-26 June in Rio de Janeiro, with a permanent camp, for the Peoples Summit, to counter the summit of governments and capital.
We will be in Rio at the People’s Summit where anti-capitalist struggles of the world will meet and together we will propose real solutions. The People’s Permanent Assembly, between the 18 and 22, will present the daily struggles against the promoters of capitalism y the attacks against our lands. Today, Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities which receive the most contributions from global capital and will host the Soccer World Cup and Olympics. We will unite our symbolic struggles from the urban to the landless movements and fishers.
We also declare the week of June 5th, as a major world week in defense of the environment and against transnational corporations and invite everyone across the world to mobilize:
- Defend sustainable peasant agriculture
- Occupy land for the production of agroecological and non-market dominated food
- Reclaim and exchange native seeds
- Protest against Exchange and Marketing Board offices and call for an end to speculative markets on commodities and land
- Hold local assemblies of People Affected by Capitalism
- Dream of a different world and create it!!
The future that we want is based on Agrarian Reform, Peasant's based sustainable agriculture and Food Sovereignty!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Inter-Occupy Media Strategy Conference Call Notes from 2/13
Being the least media-esque of the group, I hope my notes are somewhat understandable....
G8 Summit in Chicago:
'National Security Event'
Local police are training with combat sticks (info from another IO call). Expect LRADs, tear gas & more.
Media coverage is critical (both ours & mainstream)
Mark: Laws in Chicago prevent livestreaming AUDIO (& filming cops is a felony?). More info on local laws needed.
Adbusters encampment goes up May 1st (Chicago)
May 1: General Strike
July 4th: National G.A.
Occupy Media needs a Communications Hub
Work on preventing duplication of efforts
Sue: Raise awareness of resources that exist (P.R. Toolkit, Studio Occupy, Trainings...)
Occupy Freedom L.A.: Do outreach for G8/May 1st
Abe: Get word out about Studio Occupy: An online video editing bay in the cloud with phone apps available that allow journalists to edit on the fly during events using their phones. Also an aggregate of ideas/videos/themes (like V-Day Occupy Love) & call outs for submissions.
Sue: P.R. Toolkit needs to be easier to find. Will help local occupys learn how to write press releases so we can spoon-feed local media our message & make sure they understand WHY we are doing a particular direct action. Google docs.
(she did not mention where I can find this toolkit now)
Amy/Seattle: They have been having 'Social Media' meetings to coordinate efforts in getting twitter/fb audience to find livestream of an event. Driving people towards more info. Data sharing, finding out who our demographic is on a particular topic/posting, empowering the AUDIENCE by giving them a platform to give feedback/perception. They also use time of day to post info aimed at audiences in particular parts of the world.
Darlene: Inter-Occupy call in radio show will be offering trainings.
Noam Chomsky will be on Occupy TV NY next week
UK Mark:
Working on network for media
Assessing media's role in OWS.. Are we reporting what's happening or trying to drive opinion? Propaganda vs. Objective reporting
Use listserve to communicate? How do we find each other?
Proper flow of communication
Gary/L.A.: Mix Omedia with reg media, but speak for self, not for OWS as a whole
Sue: What are our goals? Coverage from within? Countering propaganda? Getting message to local media/over 50 crowd using media toolkit?
Sue: By law, tv stations/media must serve the public interest. We are allowed to go to the station/newspaper & ask to see public records. They can lose license if they do not comply with what the public wants/needs to know vs. protecting corporate sponsors.
Guide local reporters with press releases.
O Freedom LA: Screening of 'While We Watch'
O Freedom LA: Reiterating that we are a nonviolent movement via arm bands, t-shirts, etc... & separate from Black Bloc or violent factions. Mentioned Klown Bloc, clowns that will help block violence & protect reporters. Clearly separate from other groups on camera.
Definitions needed for reformation vs. revolution, & non-violence vs. 'diversity of tactics'
Amy: definition of Violence vs. Civil Disobedience
Do we all have the same goals during an action?
Tutorials needed:
- What is expected at an event (both of participants behavior, media's role, & possible responses we might encounter)
- Agreement not to abuse arm bands & to remain non-violent & objective observer?
- Event/action goals
How is your occupy reaching out to local media?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Neighborhood MAKE-BAKE-GROW-SEW sale! Thoughtful V-Day presents
Mossbrook Circle, Student Ln, Fallbrook Ave in West San Jose (by Moreland Middle School & Westgate Mall) zip: 95130Homemade art/crafts, regular garage sale items, baked goods, backyard produce/seeds/plants, honey, handmade fashion, unique Valentine's Day gifts & more!
9am - 5pm both Sat & Sun
Feb 11th & 12th
Garage sale /estate sale items:
mountain bike
lots of cool art (several artists in the family)
excellent books (both parents were college prof)
vintage clothing
new clothing
books en Espanol
globe collection
collection of vintage school record players from the 50's/60's
t.v. with built in dvd player
nice blankets from Mexico & Peru
Organic Heirloom Seedlings:
cippolini onions
garlic chives
Red Russian Kale
Purple Basil
Green Basil
Milk Thistle
Purple Brussels Sprouts
Hibiscus for Jamaica drink
Romanesco Broccoli
Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Di Cicco Broccoli
Cour De Boef Cabbage
Tete Noir Cabbage
Pink Banana
handmade fashion
& MORE!!
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